Addons for items in wow
Addons for items in wow

There is an addon that lets you see the vendor price of items, so upon completing a quest you can see which item is more expensive, choose that item, complete the quest and then vendor it rather than using their own judgement on which item is better/would sell for more.Īn addon or multiple addons on TBC have shown just how badly they affect the game, take a look at the auction house on any TBC server, if you post an item someone will post the same item below you by 5% or a percentage they have set their addon to undercut by and can post the item or multiple items to remove your item from even the first page with the click of a button rather than having to type in a bid and buyout amount. Since this is a Season of Mastery, why should there be addons helping everyone along the way, if this is for mastery then why dumb down the experience for everyone/ make it easy for people who don’t want to play classic how it was originally intended to be played? The amount of addons in game now are ridiculous, from every single dungeon/raid having addons telling you where to stand/ get out of the fire, to every quest being routed for you so that you can literally just follow a giant arrow on your screen for the most efficient leveling route.

Addons for items in wow